

Living on the left bank of the Benue River, the 400 000 Mumuye people intensively farm an area of plains. Socially, they are divided into small family groups called Dola, which are headed by a council of elders. The Vabong secret society, of which there are seven grades, regulates Mumuye religious life.

Mumuye artist are famous for their wooden statues known as Iagalagana. These figures vary from 30 to 160 cm in height and display elengated features and exaggeraed ear lobes. Carved by black/smiths or weavers, they are kept in a separate hut located on a family compound, and are entrusted to the family member who has magical powers. The Iagalagana have divinagtion, apotropaic and rainmaking functions, and serve as prestige objects

Two principal types of mask are found among the Mumuye. The first is a face mask displaying two large hallowed eye sockets which may have been used during initiation rites. The second type is a shoulder mask, known as Sukwave, which displays an elongated neck set under a diminutive head with large ears. Traditionally, the were used during pre-war ceremonies, but nowadays they are worn during rain-making and healing practices.



high 64 cm

Price on demant