

The Bambara people (about 2,5 mil.) is a large ethnic group and accupy the central part of the country, in an area of savannah. They live from agriculture.

Babmara carve some type of masks. Some of them are typical comb-like structure abova the face and are worn during dances. The others have a spherical head with two antelope horns on the top.

Bambara sculptures are primarily used during the annual ceremonies. The sculptures are washed, re-oiled and sacrifices are offered to them at their shrines. This figures usually display a typical crested coinffure, often adorned with a talisman.

Zoomorphic figure - Seguni kun

Zoomorphic figure - Seguni kun

High 96 cm

Price on demant
Tribe`s fetish

Tribe`s fetish

Utility goods
Wood, ornate
High 61 cm

Price on demant
Female figure

Female figure

Wood, textile
High 70 cm

Price on demant